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Tataridis, Dimitrios: "Establishment and operation of child-psychiatric units based on psychoanalytic prism. The model of Thrace"

"Establishment and operation of child-psychiatric units based on psychoanalytic prism. The model of Thrace"


Dimitrios Tataridis MSc, Psychologist,

Society of Social Psychiatry and Mental Health



The main objective of psychiatric services in semi-urban and rural regions is the benefit of outpatient mainly care, with way modern and effective, included in a wide spirit of child psychiatric services.



This statement aims it presents a model of operation of Community child-psychiatric services and the possibility these services be provided


a) with base the beginnings of social psychiatry child psychiatry

 and b) with psychoanalytical prism.


The early intervention, the eve, care and treatment of people with mental health problems in their natural space - in their house with their family, the continuity in the care, the sensitization of population, they constitute the basic beginnings of social psychiatry. The psychoanalytical prism can coexist and function in this frame.



This common operation can be seen through the common elements that we meet in the methodology and their technique. I would say that they are following:


   Sentimental relation between therapist and adult/child


   Stability and consequence


   Setting: regular hours and days, constant space, constant therapist (something proportional with the psychoanalytical frame)


   Delimitation and regulation of distance from the object


   Continuity in the time


   Acceptance of illness but also treatment the equivalence of therapist – adult/child




   The symbolism of needs ill and the corresponding cover


In the region of Thrace which geographically is found in the north-eastern side of Country with population roughly 350.000, were developed child-psychiatric units from the end of decade of ΄80 with main initial objectives:


1. education of executives of mental health,


2. growth of methodology of education of community,


3. study of demand that is expressed immediately or indirectly,


4. our possibility of answering in the needs of population,


5. study of therapeutic techniques that would answer in the demands,


6. interconnection with institutions of health as Hospitals and University Services


Then was founded the University Child-psychiatric Clinic in Dimokritio University Thrace with Director the Professor of Psychiatry-Child psychiatry Panagioti Sakellaropoulo.




As for the technique was selected the psychoanalytical approach with the significance of implementation of basic psychoanalytical rules that functions simultaneously and at the same time as therapeutic elements.


What was named "psychoanalytical prism" constituted the tool or the technique through which the therapist sees the patient, his family, the social environment, the school (for the children).


The search concerns, no the symptom, or the behaviour, but the psychical conflict and the mechanisms of defence. At the same time becomes effort is located the role of family, the parents and the environment. The role of transfer concerns so much the relation of therapist of - child of what healer of parents also in the achievement of continuity in the treatment.


While the operation of child-psychiatric units is supported in interdisciplinary team, fundamental role in the effectiveness play also the sentimental relations between the members of team. In this contributes operation of monitoring so much in individual and common level. Thus the interdisciplinary team, in its regular meetings, it has the possibility of processing the incidents and their course but also the counter transference relations that are developed.


The relation of therapist-adult/child it is or will be supposed, a relation of equivalence (in conscious and unconscious level). It is obvious that we were not reported in classic techniques, but in psychological help or psychotherapeutic access which however follows certain rules.


In the characteristics of operation is included also the constant setting. Sessions they are determined as for the day, the hour, the space, the duration and these are independent from the place that entertains us (health centre, hospital, rural medical office, etc.). The safeguarding of it however constitutes basic concern of the interdisciplinary team.


We must see it included in the environment that is developed and is offered. The acceptance from the community of the child-psychiatric services and the right of parent to be addressed in some service without social stigmatization they are found in the peak of effort for sensitization of community on issues with regard to the mental health and the possibility of convenient and early intervention. The interdisciplinary team owes to be interlinked with the community and its institutions and to achieve their collaboration. The education and briefing of nursery teachers, schoolteachers, professors, the school services, the pediatricians, other and wider teams of population as parents, it decisively contributes in the operation of child-psychiatric units as institutions of first degree care.


The continuity in the time of child-psychiatric services constitutes basic condition for the effective benefit of first degree care. This is a reality for the region of Thrace where the non-existence of child-psychiatric services in the dues of decade ΄80 was replaced by services with duration in per years.



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Το Ινστιτούτο Ψυχικής Υγείας Παιδιών και Ενηλίκων Π. Σακελλαρόπουλος ιδρύθηκε το 1995 και είναι ο πρώτος μη κερδοσκοπικός φορέας της χώρας που παρείχε υπηρεσίες  ψυχοδυναμικής ψυχοθεραπείας σε ενήλικες, εφήβους και παιδιά.



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